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22Wordpress लोगोथीसिस थीम के लिए रिच स्निपेट्स कोड

In response to a query by Darko Kovan­cives on my pre­vi­ous art­icle about[int­link id=“1520” type=“post”]fixing Rich Snip­pets code for the Mys­tique theme[/intlink] we have resolved the same issues with the Thes­is theme. Details of the changes required are below.

Before the file edits you need to carry out vari­ous oth­er changes and tasks

  1. Get a google pro­file (अर्थात. a google+ account)
  2. Add the address of your site (उदाहरण के लिए:. HTTPS के:// to your google+ pro­file, as a pub­lic link
  3. Get your google plus ID and use it in place of mine in file edit num­ber 5 below
  4. Change a Thes­is set­ting for show­ing author on teas­ers in the options — Thes­is: Design Options: Teas­ers: Teas­er Dis­play Options: Tick “author name”
  5. Change a Thes­is set­ting for link­ing author in options — Thes­is: Design Options: Dis­play Options: Bylines: “Link author names to archives”

Now do the file edits as follows

1. Edit line 151 in content.php to nest the fn span inside a vcard span


[php htmlscript=“1”]echo __(‘by’, ‘thes­is’) . " <span class=\“author vcard$fn\”>$लेखक</विस्तार>";[/PHP]


[php htmlscript=“1”]echo __(‘by’, ‘thes­is’) . " <span class=\“vcard\”><span class=\“author $fn\”>$लेखक</विस्तार></विस्तार>";[/PHP]

2. Edit line 114 in content.php to provide updated date as well as pub­lished date


[php htmlscript=“1”]अगर ($तारीख)
echo ‘<abbr class=“published” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time(get_option(‘date_format’)) . </abbr>;[/PHP]


[php htmlscript=“1”]अगर ($तारीख){
echo ‘<abbr class=“published” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time(get_option(‘date_format’)) . </abbr>. अद्यतित <abbr class=“updated” title=“ ‘ . get_the_modified_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_modified_time(get_option(‘date_format’)) . </abbr>;
echo ‘<abbr class=“published updated” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time(get_option(‘date_format’)) . </abbr>;

3. Edit line 81 in teasers.php to include updated date


[php htmlscript=“1”]echo ‘<abbr class=“teaser_date pub­lished” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time($use_format) . "</abbr>\n”;[/PHP]


[php htmlscript=“1”]अगर(get_the_date()!=get_the_modified_date()) echo ‘<abbr class=“teaser_date pub­lished” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time($use_format) . </abbr><abbr class=“teaser_date updated” title=“ ‘ . get_the_modified_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”><span class=“value-title” title=“ ‘.get_the_modified_time($use_format).’ ”></विस्तार></abbr>’.”\n”;
else echo ‘<abbr class=“teaser_date pub­lished updated” title=“ ‘ . get_the_time(‘Y‑m-d’) . ’ ”> . get_the_time($use_format) . "</abbr>\n”;[/PHP]

4. Edit the author href code on line 144 of content.php to add rel=“me”


[php htmlscript=“1”]$author = ‘<a href=“ ‘ . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_ID()) . ’ ” class=“url fn“ ‘ . $nofol­low .’> . get_the_author() . </ए>;[/PHP]


[php htmlscript=“1”]$author = ‘<a rel=“me” href=“ ‘ . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_ID()) . ’ ” class=“url fn“ ‘ . $nofol­low .’> . get_the_author() . </ए>;[/PHP]

5. Edit line 308 in content.php to insert google account link


[php htmlscript=“1”]$output .= “$tab\t<h1>" . apply_filters(‘thesis_archive_intro_headline’, get_author_name($wp_query->query_vars[‘author’])) . "</h1>\n”; #wp[/PHP]


[php htmlscript=“1”]$output .= “$tab\t<h1><a rel=\“me\” href=\“\”>" . apply_filters(‘thesis_archive_intro_headline’, get_author_name($wp_query->query_vars[‘author’])) . "</ए></h1>\n”; #wp[/PHP]

उत्तर छोड़ दें

22 टिप्पणियाँ

MA/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/.storage का उपयोग करें मैंने सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया है

very help­ful web­site. it is big use­ful for us. /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/.storage का उपयोग करें मैंने सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया है.

जवाब दें

Thanks Jon. Bril­liant fix. The Thes­is’ hcard errors cleaned up nicely.
We are hav­ing a related issue which maybe you’ll know the answer for. We have a some cod­ing gen­er­at­ing the hrecipe format­ting and can see the markups when inspect­ing the post ele­ments, but the rich snip­pet tool isn’t pick­ing it up at all. The developer has no prob­lems get­ting picked up on her site and oth­ers she has built out, but for some reas­on it isn’t get­ting picked up on a Thes­is theme.

Don’t know if this is in your round­house, but if you could take a look that would be awesome.

Here is a post of ours with the markup: Roas­ted Straw­berry Muffin
Here is one of hers with the markup: Apple­sauce Muffins

Thanks again for the pre­vi­ous fix and for any help you can offer.

जवाब दें
जेएसजॉन Scaife

I think you’ve mixed up your rel=“me” and rel=“author” tags a bit

You should only have a single rel=“me” link — from your author page to your google pro­file. every­where else you should have rel=“author” tags. On your homepage each post has a “by Wouter de Jong” link which points (सही ढंग से) to your author page ), but you have rel=“me” on these links. It should be rel=“author”

Once you change these rel=“me” links into rel=“author” I think it will all work — as it stands you’ve got mul­tiple rel=“me” links on your author page, most of them back to itself and only 1 (सही ढंग से) point­ing to your google pro­file. I think this is con­fus­ing the snip­pet tool

जवाब दें

हाय जॉन, it worked per­fectly — I did­n’t include items 4 तथा 5 from your list as they are not essen­tial to val­id­ate the rich snip­pet and I’m not bet­ting on Google+ just yet so I don’t want to “lit­ter” my themes 🙂

Thanks for the tip 🙂

जवाब दें

i did this exactly. after doing this my Author­ship markup got veri­fied but unfor­tu­nately I’m get­ting below errors .

चेतावनी दें आईएनजी: मिस आईएनजी आवश्यक क्षेत्र "अपडेट".
चेतावनी दें आईएनजी: कम से कम एक क्षेत्र Hcard के लिए सेट किया जाना चाहिए.
चेतावनी दें आईएनजी: Miss­ing required field “name (fn)".

do i have to wait for few days for crawling?

जवाब दें
जेएसजॉन Scaife

Sorry — my fault. I’ve figured it out. The code had got mangled by word­press. I think when I update the post word­press pro­cesses some of the code and takes some of the classes out which makes it dis­func­tion­al. I’ve cor­rec­ted it. Please give it a try now.

जवाब दें

धन्यवाद, very use­ful info. But, how to add meta tags inform­a­tion like this blog? It looks if i do right click in browser » view page info. There are many inform­a­tion on gen­er­al tab. Like Author, View­port Etc. My blog is just con­tain : con­tent, robots, descrip­tions, keywords in page info..How to get this snippet?
Thank You..

जवाब दें
जेएसजॉन Scaife

Most of that comes from using a semant­ic HTML5 theme for word­press com­bined with the Yoast इस plu जिन. I also have vari­ous meta files like humans.txt and robots.txt. Have a look at the word­press guide for loads of inform­a­tion about improv­ing your word­press setup.

जवाब दें