लगभग 18 महीने पहले मैं के बारे में एक संक्षिप्त नोट लिखा था कि कैसे करने के लिए [intlink id=“54” type=“post”]प्रमाणपत्र कैप्टन आग लोमड़ी plu-Gins हटाने, addons and extensions[/intlink] which don’t have a “remove” button in the Add-ons manager. I have updated and added to the original list, and will continue to add any further plugins I encounter here. If in doubt there is usually no harm done by leaving or removing any plugins, addons or extensions. I advise removing all of those that you don’t use as they are using memory and processing resources and slow firefox down. In some cases the stability of the browser can even be undermined by plugins.… Read Full Article
Posts Tagged: एक्सटेंशन
Annoying firefox extensions that can’t be removed
Published by Jon Scaife & filed under वेब टेक्नोलॉजीज. Last updated .
I have various annoying “extensions” listed in my firefox install that can’t be removed through the normal extensions tab. Here’s how to get rid of them…
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- MP More Power on एक के लिए खोज 12 बे 5.25 5.2 पूर्ण टॉवर का मामला
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“Hi John, Do you have an example of a sheet you have made? Struggling following the steps here!” - JS Jon Scaife on कॉपी फ़ाइलों HUMAX पीवीआर 9200T से पीसी के लिए
“Hi Roger That is frustrating. I assume you're on windows 10 or 11? This was from the Windows 7 दिनों…”
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”