I’ve previously covered theme edits for rich snippets for various themes including [intlink id=“2948” type=“post”]रहस्यपूर्ण 2[/intlink], [intlink id=“2949” type=“post”]रहस्यपूर्ण 3[/intlink], [intlink id=“2468” type=“post”]थीसिस[/intlink] & [intlink id=“3015” type=“post”]Twenty Eleven[/intlink] as well as some [intlink id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink]. Below are details of the code for how to validate rich snippets in the Me Gusta by Cosmos theme.
To fix authorship info on all pages…
1. add rel=“author” to the href tag on lines 572 तथा 871 of lib\php\post.class.php
2. add a link to google+ profile on line 44 of author.php
Fix other errors
1. add class=“vcard” to ul on line 571 and line 858 of lib\php\post.class.php
2. add fn to class of li on lines 572 तथा 871 of lib\php\post.class.php
3. बदलने के <li class=“time”> on line 872 of lib\php\post.class.php with <li class=“time updated”><span class=“value-title” title=”<?php the_date(); ?>"></विस्तार>
These instructions are less detailed than previous guides. If you need more detail don’t hesitate to ask — drop a comment below and I’ll provide additional details.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”