मुझे हाल ही में एक नया मिला है GPU मेरे लिए HTPC which required a replacement power supply as the old one wasn’t suitable for powering a GPU एक साथ 8 पिन PCIe बिजली का केबल. The HTPC is in use for an average of around 6 hours per day and with electricity at 15p/kWh any reduction in power at the wall works out at 33p a year per Watt. This isn’t a big saving, but if consumption is reduced by several watts the saving can add up.
Regular “80 plus” (उर्फ 80 साथ ही सफेद) सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रमों are typically available for around £30 with the cheapest 80 प्लस सोना सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रमों starting at £50. जबकि सोने की रेटिंग के साथ जाने का विकल्प पीएसयू isn’t exclusively financial, the potential saving is worth considering. It is also worth considering that a gold पीएसयू that is less wasteful will generate less heat which will mean less fan noise is needed which is also important in a HTPC. There are higher ratings available (Titanium and Platinum) but those products are prohibitively expensive, and also don’t tend to be available on lower power units. A typical HTPC doesn’t need anything like 800W+ and as the 80 plus ratings only allow lower efficiency at the extremes of the operating range an 80plus platinum 800W unit at 100W draw may actually be less efficient than a 400W gold unit.
Assuming an average power consumption of around 120W and a 400W power supply at 230V a gold rated unit would have to achieve at least 90% effi-ciency, whereas an 80plus white unit would have to achieve 82%. At these values the white-rated unit will consume just over 146W at the wall, whilst the gold unit will consume just over 133W, a saving of 13W, या £ 4 प्रति वर्ष. At this rate the gold-rated unit will pay for itself within 5 साल. यदि पीसी का उपयोग अधिक बार किया जाता है तो यह स्वयं के लिए भी तेजी से भुगतान करेगा, या पीसी अधिक शक्ति खींचता है, or if electricity prices go up. कोई भी पीएसयू के साथ 5 year warranty would appear to be a good investment on financial grounds alone, और तब और भी जब कम शोर को ध्यान में रखा जाता है.
In terms of finding a reasonably price gold-rated unit, in the past I bought a 300W “HuntKey Jumper” but this is no longer available. Several retailers do have the Seasonic 350w GT लगभग 50 पाउंड की बिक्री पर. Whilst the specifications don’t mention it the pictures clearly show a 6+2 पिन PCIe power connector as well as a 4+4 पिन सीपीयू power connector which make it suitable for all current hardware.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”