DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

0स्पैम से भरा टिनएसपीएफ़ के साथ स्पैम कम करने के लिए कैसे, DKIM & DMARC

जब से मैं विभिन्न वेबसाइटों पर संपर्क प्रपत्र की स्थापना मैं स्पैम का एक धीरे-धीरे बढ़ती मात्रा लिया है। नहीं प्रत्यक्ष स्पैम मुझे भेजी गई, लेकिन न के बराबर पतों spamme किया जा रहा थे से बाउंस, appar­ently from my address. Unfor­tu­nately the spam was­n’t ori­gin­at­ing from my address, लेकिन मेरा पता किसी न किसी तरह उठाया गया था (शायद मैं इस साइट पर संपर्क रूपों सुरक्षित पहले से) and was being used as the “reply to” address. After some invest­ig­a­tion I heard about SPF which is an e‑mail anti-for­gery system.

अगर मैं अपने डोमेन नाम पर एक एसपीएफ़ रिकॉर्ड बनाया (which I use as my primary e‑mail) then mail serv­ers that sup­port SPF will check that any e‑mail they receive with my address as the “from” or “reply to” address did actu­ally come from my mail serv­er. If it did­n’t the serv­er will clearly identi­fy the mail as spam and will dis­card it without send­ing me an annoy­ing bounce mes­sage. DKIM is sim­il­ar and effect­ively aims to achieve the same thing. Finally, DMARC is a new sys­tem which stand­ard­ises the beha­viour of both SPF and DKIM and also gen­er­ates reports of any e‑mails which are not delivered instead of you get­ting bounce mes­sages. No sys­tem is per­fect but DMARC (and there­fore DKIM and SPF) are sup­por­ted by Yahoo, एओएल, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट, Face­book and Google. Between them they account for a large pro­por­tion of the e‑mail “mar­ket” so to speak.

कैसे विस्थापित करने के लिए डीएनएस provider to Amazon Route 53

आप एक जरूरत जा रहे हैं डीएनएस pro­vider (in most cases your regis­trar) that sup­ports SPF, DKIM and DMARC records. Mine (123-reg) does­n’t sup­port DKIM so I decided I would have to look to move. How­ever, मैं अतीत के लिए 123-reg के साथ बहुत खुश किया गया है 9 years and mov­ing to a new regis­trar did­n’t appeal. Instead I decided to simply move my डीएनएस serv­ers to a dif­fer­ent डीएनएस pro­vider. Amazon provide a डीएनएस ser­vice as one of their web ser­vices called “Route 53”. Whilst this isn’t free it is based on a “pay for what you use” mod­el, and I anti­cip­ate it cost­ing me under £10 a year. As an added bonus Amazon’s डीएनएस ser­vice is much faster than that of a typ­ic­al regis­trar and so will speed up site access times.

  1. Sign up for Amazon web ser­vicesYou will have to provide a cred­it card, and veri­fy your ID — in my case I did this by auto­mated phone call which took under 1 minute
  2. करने के लिए लॉग इन करें AWS Man­age­ment Console
  3. Click on the link in the AWS con­sole to open the मार्ग 53 कंसोल
  4. Cre­ate a “hos­ted zone” for your domain
  5. Go to the record sets of the hos­ted zone
  6. In a new win­dow (या टैब) log in to your cur­rent regis­trar and have a look at your exist­ing डीएनएस अभिलेख.
  7. Switch back to Route 53
  8. Cre­ate any डीएनएस प्रविष्टियों आप की जरूरत है, prob­ably by duplic­at­ing what you see in your cur­rent set­tings with your registrar
  9. का एक नोट बनाएँ 4 name serv­ers (टाइप एन एस)
  10. Switch back to your regis­trar’s con­trol pan­el / con­sole and change your name serv­ers to the 4 आप में से एक नोट बनाया #6.

This should com­plete the basic डीएनएस migra­tion from your regis­trar to Amazon Route 53. It might take up to 48 hours to fully propag­ate through the डीएनएस sys­tem but I found it was almost instant for me. As long as you cre­ated all the records you need (prob­ably by duplic­at­ing what you had set up pre­vi­ously on your regis­trar) you should­n’t see any inter­rup­tion of service.

एसपीएफ की स्थापना, DKI रूट पर dmarney करने के लिए 53 for Google Apps e‑mail

I man­age my e‑mail through Google Apps. Set­ting up e‑mail authen­tic­a­tion on Google apps is fairly straightforward.

  1. सुनिश्चित करें कि आप मार्ग में लॉग इन किया है 53, and open the hos­ted zone for the domain you wish to cre­ate records for
  2. You will cre­ate 4 records — 2 एसपीएफ़, 1 DKI 1 DMARC. 1 SPF record will be a spe­cial “SPF” type of record, the oth­er 3 प्रकार सभी TXT रिकॉर्ड हो जाएगा
  3. Both SPF records will con­tain the text “v=spf1 ‑all”, includ­ing the ” marks. Remem­ber to set one as type TXT and one as type SPF
  4. The DMARC record will have the value “v=DMARC1; पी = संगरोध; पीसीटी = 100; रुआ =", and will have the name _dmarc. Make sure you change to the address you want DMARC reports sent to. You can also change some of the prop­er­ties, वहां एक है गूगल द्वारा मार्गदर्शन which will help you decide what prop­er­ties you wish to use.
  5. अंत में, the DKIM record is the most com­plic­ated and requires some inform­a­tion from google which is spe­cif­ic to your domain…
  6. Log in to your google domain admin­is­trat­or pan­el atप्राथमिक-डोमेन नाम — remem­ber to change प्राथमिक-डोमेन नाम अपने डोमेन नाम के लिए
  7. Click on “advanced tools” and scroll down to the bot­tom, and click on “Set up email authen­tic­a­tion (DKIM)"
  8. Make sure the cor­rect domain is selec­ted in the pull-down box (you prob­ably only have 1 डोमेन) and click on “gen­er­ate new record”
  9. Enter a pre­fix if you want one — I just used “google” and click generate
  10. In the box that dis­plays there is the record you need to enter at your regis­trar along with the hostname
  11. TXT रिकॉर्ड मूल्य कॉपी और का एक नोट बनाने डीएनएस होस्ट नाम
  12. Switch back to Route 53
  13. Cre­ate the final (4वें) new record — give it the name of the डीएनएस Host Name you made a note of. Give it the value you copied from the TXT record value — remem­ber to put the value inside “” marks
  14. Wait a few minutes and then click “Start Authen­tic­a­tion”. If suc­cess­ful you’ll see “Status: Authen­tic­at­ing email"
  15. आप अप करने के लिए इंतजार करना पड़ सकता 24 के लिए घंटों डीएनएस to propag­ate so that you can start authen­tic­a­tion, but gen­er­ally it should hap­pen pretty quickly

For anoth­er take on this pro­cess I recom­mend 2 art­icles by Chris­toph­er Maish — the first on एसपीएफ और DKI, पर दूसरी DMARC.  सौभाग्य!

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