DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

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टैग लिखने के बाद: corsair

0पीएसयू लोगोएक भंडारण सर्वर पीएसयू के लिए खोज

I recently pos­ted abi­out my search for a new stor­age serv­er case. My next search involves find­ing a suit­able पीएसयू! It seems in recent years it has got much harder to find the type of hard­ware I like to use, prob­ably because the fash­ion has been to go smal­ler and sleeker which is gen­er­ally more pos­sible in this era of improved per­form­ance-per-watt devices. कैसे कभी, if you have space and you want sys­tems to be cool, चुप, and effi­cient then large is still the way to go.
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