I’ve been having various issues running Stark Covers ever since I switched to Windows 7 x64の。今日, after exploring I’ve discovered the following combination of fixes.
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タグ別アーカイブ: メディアセンターのマスター
I’ve been looking to further tweak the [intlink id=“75” type=“post”]Media Center Master post-processing script[/intlink] I’ve previously written about — partially to fix a few new files that were being incorrectly detected by Stark Covers, and also to build in some automatic image resizing which, as I’ve previously detailed, に役立ちます [intlink id=“74” type=“post”]improve the performance of Media Browser[/intlink].
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Media Centerのマスターを使用した高度な後処理
I use Media Center Master and StarkCovers to manage the metadata for all my local media on my HTPC. 私は、HDムービーを持ちたいと DVDの use a different style of cover in stark to the style used by low quality files. The following command script accomplishes this (そしてもう少し)…
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”