پوسٹس کی درجہ بندی: ونڈوز

0ونڈوز میڈیا پلیئر لوگوWindows volume control of HDMI output

I recently swapped out my old home cinema audio sys­tem (a Yamaha DSP-E800 and a Den­on ste­reo receiv­er) con­nec­ted via یوایسبی ڈیک and 6 chan­nel ana­log for an Onkyo TX-SR605 which has HDMI audio con­nec­tions. In most ways this was an instant upgrade but one issue really frus­trated me — volume…
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0Remove driver preventing windows from booting

I recently tried installing AMD StoreMI on my Win­dows 2022 serv­er. Big mis­take — it imme­di­ately failed to boot with a BSOD. And this was just after installing — I had­n’t even run the pro­gram. So the first les­son is not to trust AMD’s soft­ware — abso­lutely shocking!
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3اسکرپٹ کے ساتھ ونڈوز ڈیسک ٹاپ سلائیڈ شو کو فعال کریں

I’ve been updat­ing my unat­ten­ded win­dows deploy­ment setup recently, and one of the things I wanted to enable was the slideshow wall­pa­per with the loc­a­tion set to my wall­pa­pers loc­a­tion on my serv­er. This isn’t as straight-for­ward as it ought to be, but after bit of fid­dling around I figured out how to do it fairly simply.
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0بیچ اسکرپٹ محفوظ DHCP نام کی بنیاد پر پی سی کا نام تبدیل کریں

I use WDS on a stan­dalone serv­er to set up new پی سی and to reim­age پی سی when they have ended up mangled bey­ond repair. With a good num­ber of پی سی in my own house it is use­ful to reim­age them oca­sion­ally when swap­ping or upgrad­ing hard­ware. Most of this pro­cess is now auto­mated by an unattend.xml file but one step the unat­ten­ded pro­cess does­n’t seem to sup­port is renam­ing پی سی back to their ori­gin­al name.
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0ونڈوز 8 علامت (لوگو)سکرپٹ کی تخلیق اور نام کے نیٹ ورک حصص

When updat­ing or repla­cing a home PC I use Win­dows Deploy­ment Ser­vices (WDS) to rein­stall Win­dows. It means I only have to main­tain a single up-to-date source for all the little free apps I use (فائر فاکس, 7زپ, تفصیلی فہر ست, etc) and makes a new setup much more pain­less. One of the few bugs that has irrit­ated me for ages is the net­work drive map that I cre­ate has always had to be renamed manually.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0ونڈوز 8 علامت (لوگو)Windows shares not connected after wake fixed

I’ve had a very long stand­ing prob­lem where mapped drives on Win­dows پی سی are shown as dis­con­nec­ted after a PC wakes from sleep or after a reboot. Click­ing to open the drive res­ults in a delay of sev­er­al seconds and then the share opens. I had this prob­lem with Win­dows 7 right through to Win­dows 10 1909. Today, thanks to a dif­fer­ent issue, I finally cracked it.
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0Canon CanoScan LIDE سکینرونڈوز 10 64 بٹ کے ساتھ کام کرنے والے پرانے سکینر حاصل کرنا

Many years back I wrote an art­icle about how to get old scan­ners work­ing with Win­dows 7 x64 کے. I recently upgraded the PC con­nec­ted to the scan­ners to Win­dows 10 and was faced with the same chal­lenge all over again. Amaz­ingly the same tricks worked and both scan­ners are now work­ing! Below I detail pre­cisely how to achieve this.
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1سونی VAIOسونی وایو VPCSB پر ٹچ پیڈ کی ترتیبات

My old man has a Sony Vaio VPCSB laptop, a 13.3″ mod­el that is now about 10 years old but thanks to an SSD and extra رام is still more than adequate for today’s demands. I recently upgraded it to Win­dows 10, des­pite no help at all from Sony, and ran into an issue with the touch­pad hav­ing all the silly Win­dows 10 swip­ing and scrolling turned on by default with no obvi­ous way to turn it off.
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0Windows اپ ڈیٹ آئکنونڈوز 7 کرنے کے لئے 10 اپ گریڈ کی خرابی 0x8007001f

I was recently try­ing to upgrade a Win­dows 7 PC to Win­dows 10 but after sev­er­al reboots the win­dows 10 install­a­tion was fail­ing with an error “The install­a­tion failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error dur­ing REPLACE_OC oper­a­tion” with code 0x8007001f — 0×20006.
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0ونڈوز 8 علامت (لوگو)مزید WDS کی غلطیوں کو حل کیا

WDS واقعی بالکل ایک غیر دوستانہ نظام ہے. بھاری بھرکم, fiddly, اور مددگار کی خرابی معلومات کے بغیر شکار OT ناکامی. میرے ئیے کچھ فائلوں کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنے کے بعد میں اب کوئی ئیے تنصیبات باہر لے جانے کے لئے کے قابل تھا, لیکن بالآخر گمراہ کن غلطیوں کے سلسلہ حل ہے
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