DIY وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الشعار

الموقع النهائي لتصميم وإنشاء مسرح منزلي الخاص ومرحبا فاي الإعداد الخاصة.

0قليل من المواد الجديدة, الكثير من أعمال التصميم الجديد

For the last 2–3 months I’ve been too busy to write much new con­tent for the site. This has­n’t been helped by a drop in things to write about — most of my art­icles are about tech­no­logy fixes or excit­ing new HTPC related devel­op­ments. There haven’t been too many new devel­op­ments, and I haven’t fixed much tech­no­logy because I’ve been too busy. That does­n’t mean the site has been entirely ignored however…

Whilst con­tent has been rather lim­ited, I have done a lot of work on the code (أي. word­press) behind the con­tent. You prob­ably wont notice too many dif­fer­ences, but fix­ing little nig­gling issues can some­times make a big dif­fer­ence, and there were a fair num­ber to address. The site has also had a few minutes of down­time due to a few of the fixes not work­ing quite right first time, but hope­fully it has­n’t been too disruptive.

The out­come of all these little fixes is that there should be few­er واجهة المستخدم issues, we should be even easi­er to access on mobile devices, we should be quick­er to load, and our com­pli­ance with web stand­ards should be even bet­ter. In terms of meas­ur­able met­rics there are a few below

  • Google PageSpeed has been improved from 95% إلى 98% on the homepage (و 96% on con­tent pages)
  • Our HTML5 is cur­rently 100% passed by the w3c val­id­at­or (altho HTML5 is cur­rently a mov­ing tar­get, so it’s likely more changes will be needed as the stand­ard evolves)
  • We cur­rently pass the google rich snip­pets test­ing tool (although, مرة أخرى, google are mov­ing from micro­formats to microdata so this is also a mov­ing target)

Oth­er issues which you may have noticed that should now be resolved include

1. Text some­times miss­ing from the middle of sen­tences in the pop­u­lar posts sidebar.

This was caused by a bug in a word­press core func­tion strip_shortcodes() which does­n’t just remove short­codes but also their con­tentsA quick edit to line 331 of wp-includes/shortcodes.php was needed. Changing

[فب]return $m[1] . $م[6];[/فب]


[فب]return $m[1] . $م[5] . $م[6];[/فب]

does the trick, altho I don’t know if this might have any side effects yet.

2. Mag­ni­fy­ing glass image in search box was­n’t cor­rectly posi­tioned in non-fire­fox browsers

I gen­er­ally use fire­fox and had­n’t noticed this slight appear­ance glitch. A few CSS tweaks fixed it, altho as is so often the case, it is posi­tioned using a float and vari­ous neg­at­ive mar­gins and pad­dings in com­bin­a­tion so it was actu­ally quite a tedi­ous pro­cess to work out how to clear this up.

3. Hov­er menu par­tially incom­pat­ible with non-mouse devices

The menu pull­downs require a hov­er which touch­screen devices can­’t provide. When attempt­ing to cre­ate a hov­er, by click­ing, the actu­al res­ult was instead to click on the link — the sub­menu appeared but quickly dis­ap­peared as a new page was loaded. I have now dis­abled the links from the head­ing but­tons to fix this. Click­ing on a touch­screen device now brings down the sub­menu as it should. The loss of the links to the par­ent cat­egor­ies isn’t import­ant — the par­ent cat­egor­ies aren’t very use­ful and they can be accessed through the bread­crumbs if for some reas­on someone really wants to view them.

4. Wasted space in pop­u­lar wid­get sidebar

The images float­ing in the pop­u­lar posts sec­tion did­n’t have text wrap­ping below them very neatly. Spe­cify­ing a line height of exactly half the image height has fixed this — the 3بحث وتطوير line is now always full width.

5. Bul­lets not shown in cor­rect position

ال CSS reset code we use sets the left-pad­ding of unordered lists to 0, which res­ults in bul­lets being shown out­side the left edge of the con­tent dis­play area. We had over­looked over­rid­ing this styl­ing, so bul­lets wer­en’t cor­rectly loc­ated. This has now been rectified.


All site tweaks are now logged in our pub­lic [int­link id=“2807” type=“page”]سجل تحديثات الموقع[/intlink]

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