DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

टैग लिखने के बाद: आईबीएन

0द्वारा नाम स्टूडियो लोगो छवियोंपुनर्जीवित: सहयोगात्मक परियोजना ImagesByName

उसके साथ की दुखद नुकसान there no longer appears to be a home for the Col­lab­or­at­ive Images­By­Name Pro­ject (know as CiP or IBN at vari­ous times).  Whilst devel­op­ment on these seems to have hal­ted some time back, the resources them­selves are still sub­stan­tial and will be sorely missed. As I still had down­loaded cop­ies avail­able, and could­n’t find them any­where else of the net, I’ve decided to host them here so that oth­ers may con­tin­ue to enjoy the pre­vi­ous hard work inves­ted in cre­at­ing them.

पूरा लेख पढ़ें

0द्वारा नाम स्टूडियो लोगो छवियोंन्यू आईबीएन स्टूडियो अपलोड

A user called “Chip­monkery” has uploaded a new stu­di­os pack to the [int­link id=“2659” type=“post”]आईबीएन परियोजना[/intlink].  This doubles the pre­vi­ous num­ber of stu­dio images. Hope­fully it will include many (या कम से कम कुछ) of the icons I lis­ted in my [int­link id=“78” type=“post”]पहले पोस्ट[/intlink].  मैं तदनुसार कि पोस्ट को अद्यतन करेगा.

0द्वारा नाम स्टूडियो लोगो छवियोंआईबीएन परियोजना से लापता स्टूडियो

Below is a list I’m slowly com­pil­ing of Movie Stu­dio logos that are miss­ing from the [int­link id=“2659” type=“post”]Images By Name project[/intlink]. I hope to even­tu­ally loc­ate sources for them all and at a con­veni­ent point will sub­mit them to the project.

Crossed-out items are now included in the avail­able down­loads. Grey items are items that are altern­at­ive names for exist­ing stu­di­os — these can be added by duplic­at­ing the rel­ev­ant folder and renam­ing it.

पूरा लेख पढ़ें