DIY মিডিয়া হোম লোগো

আপনার নিজের হোম থিয়েটার এবং হাই ফাই সেটআপ নকশা ও নির্মাণের জন্য চূড়ান্ত সাইট.

0Tweaking tasmota smartplug settings

I’ve now got around 30 tas­mota-based smart plugs around the house. I’ve recently been tinker­ing with the set­tings on a few to optim­ise them for the roles they have

The first thing I wanted to do was to tweak the energy mon­it­or­ing plugs I have (from Loc­al­Bytes) so they report energy use more pre­cisely. Whilst it is pos­sible to adjust how often they report, a smarter way to do this is to adjust what level of power change will trig­ger an update. There are 2 ways to do this — either as a per­cent­age or as an abso­lute. Go to the com­mand line and enter one of the fol­low­ing (chan­ging the 10 part to whatever value you require)

Power­Delta 10 = Update MQTT on 10% পরিবর্তন
Power­Delta 110 = Update MQTT on 10W change

The next thing I wanted to tweak was the sleep time as most of my plugs can sleep more than the default. The default is a smartsleep mode which works well and for devices where I often press the but­ton I have left the default. But for devices where I don’t press the but­ton I increased the value with the following

ঘুম 250

Note it is not advised to change this for plugs you do press — the default value of 50 works well for these. Fur­ther it is not advised to change this for energy mon­it­or­ing plugs

To see the cur­rent value simply type the com­mand without a num­ber after it.

I tend to use Power­Delta 104 and Sleep 50 for power mon­it­or­ing devices, ঘুম 50 for devices where I press the but­ton reg­u­larly, and Sleep 250 for oth­er plugs

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