2AMD Radeon Graphics LogoProblems with Catalyst Mobility — Fixed

I own a Dell Stu­dio 1557 laptop with an AMD (formerly ATI) Mobil­ity Radeon 4570. Whilst Dell provide a driver, they don’t keep up-to-date with AMD’s monthly release cycle so in the past I have installed new­er ver­sions from AMD directly.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree Microsoft Anti-Virus — now version 2

Microsoft have released ver­sion 2 کے Secur­ity Essen­tials.  جیسا [int­link id=“93” type=“post” class=“intlink”]noted previously[/intlink] in this blog, VER کا معاوضہ 2 will install on Win­dows Serv­er 2008 R2 (and pre­sum­ably oth­er Win­dows Serv­er ver­sions too)

2Helios NeoDigits logoNEODIGITS / HELIOS نیٹ ورک میڈیا کھلاڑیوں

I recently had cause to resur­rect my old NeoDi­gits Helios X3000 net­work media play­er, and noticed that Helios have deceased. Sadly this means links to their soft­ware and firm­ware are no longer avail­able. Thanks to علاج کے شریواستو اور myce پر شان میں نے متبادل لنکس کو تلاش کرنے کے قابل تھا, اگرچہ دسمبر کے طور پر 2012 these are no longer act­ive either. For­tu­nately I grabbed everything whilst I still could.

... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

5Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree anti-virus / anti-malware for Windows Server 2008

Microsoft are offer­ing a down­load­able Beta of ver­sion 2 of their free secur­ity app Secur­ity Essen­tials.  This works on Win­dows Serv­er.  For any­one (میری طرح) who is using Serv­er 2008 at home (e.g. on a file serv­er) and needs anti-vir­us, I highly recom­mend this.

اپ ڈیٹ: [int­link id=“96” type=“post”]ورژن 2 final[/intlink] is now available.

0Freesat HD علامتBBC 1 HD and ITV 1 HD

بی بی سی ہو رہی ہے پر ایک فوری اپ ڈیٹ 1 ایچ ڈی اور ITV 1 freesat ذریعے میڈیا سنٹر میں HD. ایک مکمل ٹرانسپونڈر اسکین 1270 کی دہائی میں چینلز پر اب ان چینلز کو ظاہر کرے گا. کچھ صورتو میں 1270 اور 1271, یا میرے معاملے میں 1272 and 1273!
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

1کوائف نامہ کے لوگو کے اندرہارڈ ویئر RAID اور صارفین کوائف نامہ مسائل

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to have the oppor­tun­ity to pur­chase a second hand hard­ware raid 5 کارڈ (an Areca 1220) for a very low price. Since then I have used the card along with sev­er­al sets of drives (ori­gin­ally 300gig, then 750gig and cur­rently 1Tb) in a ded­ic­ated serv­er PC as a large net­work file-store for the fam­ily’s music, pho­tos, videos and back-ups.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0Group Policy Logoونڈوز سرور کے لئے اپنی مرضی کے مطابق ایڈمرل فائل 2003 / ایکس پی ڈومین

I was dig­ging thru an old back-up سی ڈی today and stumbled upon a cus­tom ADM file I cre­ated when I was admin­is­ter­ing a Win­dows Serv­er 2003 / Win­dows XP Domain. استمال کے لیے, copy the fol­low­ing code into note­pad, save the file with a .adm exten­sion on the system32 folder of a domain serv­er. Open Group Policy edit­or and add the file, then browse to the “Tech­ni­cians Set­tings” to enable any of the settings.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0HTC خواہش، اتارنا Android علامتFixing poor quality images from HTC Desire camera

I’ve been rather dis­ap­poin­ted with the image qual­ity from the cam­era in my HTC Desire. Turns out its not the cam­era, its the low qual­ity plastic lens cov­er built into the back cov­er of the phone which gets eas­ily scratched. My advice: either replace the back cov­er (con­tact HTC, its often free) یا (as I did) just ditch the plastic cov­er, the lens is made of glass which isn’t easy to scratch, espe­cially as its well recessed into the phone.

Thanks for this tip to HTC Desire Tricks