DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

6मीडिया सर्वरDVBLink 4.5 & सेवक 2012 मीडिया सर्वर

अंत में 6 सप्ताह 2 प्रमुख अद्यतन पूरी तरह से मीडिया सर्वर परिदृश्य बदल गया है। DVBLink सर्वर 4.5 और Microsoft Windows सर्वर 2012 in com­bin­a­tion look to offer an ideal win­dows-plat­form for a home media server.

Firstly lets address DVBLink. This suite of products have enabled net­work shar­ing of live and recor­ded टीवी for some time. The biggest piece miss­ing from the puzzle has been cent­ral­ised record­ing. With the release of DVBLink 4.5 at the start of July this has finally been addressed by the inclu­sion of a nat­ive recor­ded built-in to dvblink serv­er which cent­ral­ises all record­ing. Until now it was neces­sary to run DVBLink on a win­dows 7 पीसी, so that Media Cen­ter could be used as a record­er on the serv­er, but the intro­duc­tion of the nat­ive record­er has opened the door to run­ning a full serv­er ओएस which has advant­ages, includ­ing being free to stu­dents via dream­s­park.  सर्वर 2012, whist includ­ing the[int­link id=“2543” type=“post”]awful new यूआई[/intlink] from Win­dows 8 does have some excel­lent new fea­tures, in par­tic­u­lar [int­link id=“2283” type=“post”]भंडारण स्थान[/intlink].  As a serv­er the यूआई does­n’t tend to mat­ter as much as it is rarely used, and there are[int­link id=“2862” type=“post”]ways to restore a more usable यूआई[/intlink] any­way. All in all, these 2 products look to provide an ideal com­bin­a­tion for a media serv­er. Once Serv­er 2012 is avail­able from dream­s­park we’ll pub­lish a full setup guide.

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I have had this card run­ning for six months and after that it stopped work­ing. First the satel­lite chan­nels and then the ter­restri­al. I returned it to Black­Gold and they replaced a chip and returned the card. When I installed it I still exper­i­enced the same prob­lem. I have tried to con­tact Black­Gold but they have not replied.

जवाब दें
जे एसजॉन Scaife

That’s very dis­ap­point­ing to hear. Have you made any more pro­gress? If you bought the card in the यूके you should be able to get a refund as the product clearly has­n’t las­ted for a “reas­on­able” peri­od of time.

Whenev­er I have struggled to get a response from a com­pany I have always found writ­ing (first by e‑mail, and if neces­sary by snail mail) to the chief exec­ut­ive has always pro­duced res­ults. From what I can see the Black­Gold CEO is Tony Nedd. The address for the main Black­Gold office is John Eccles House, Robert Robin­son Aven­ue, Oxford Sci­ence Park, Oxford, OX4 4GP, and their registered address is 32 Mead­ow View, Mar­low, Buck­ing­ham­shire, SL7 3PA. You could also try phoning them on +44 1865 338008.

Let us know how you get on 🙂

जवाब दें