CATEGORISED خطوط: codecs کے

01080p میں ایک اعلی آخر GPU کے موافق LAV اور پاگل-VR ترتیبات

I have spent a lot of time exper­i­ment­ing with mad-vr and lav try­ing to find the optim­al set­tings for my GTX 1050Ti which out­puts to a 1080p pro­ject­or. Set­tings for high­er res­ol­u­tion dis­plays will be very dif­fer­ent, but as 4k pro­ject­ors are cur­rently so expens­ive, for a truly “home cinema” exper­i­ence 1080p is the lim­it for most people.
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0کیو ٹی لائٹ کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنا & کوئیک ٹائم متبادل

I’ve long been a user of Quick­Time Altern­at­ive, as a much light­er altern­at­ive to the full Apple Quick­Time. Sadly QT Altern­at­ive (and its cous­in QT Lite) has­n’t been updated in over a year, whilst Quick­Time has received sev­er­al secur­ity and bug fixes. Updat­ing QT Lite is a straight­for­ward pro­cess which I will detail below. I have also built an updated installer which is avail­able on the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]ڈاؤن لوڈ کے صفحے[/intlink].  This installer is based on Apple Quick­Time 7.7.3 (28-دسمبر -2012)

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0کوڈیکسونڈوز کے لیے مکمل کوڈیک کے انتظامات کی گائیڈ 7/8

جیت dows 8 ختم ہو گیا ہے اور جلد ہی خوردہ فروخت کے لئے دستیاب ہو جائے گا. ذہن میں اس کے ساتھ یہ ایک مکمل طور پر آپریشنل لئے قائم ہو رہی کوڈیکس کے لئے ایک اپ ڈیٹ گائیڈ لکھنے کے لئے ایک اچھا وقت لگ رہا تھا HTPC دونوں ونڈوز کے لیے 7 اور 8. اس ہدایت نامے کے لئے میں تفصیلات کے قابل ہدایات پیدا کرتا ہے جو HTML5 کی ایک نئی خصوصیت استعمال کر رہا ہوں. اس تحریر کے وقت میں صرف کروم اور سفاری کی طرف سے حمایت کی ہے 6 لیکن امید ہے کہ دیگر براؤزرز مستقبل قریب میں حمایت کا اضافہ کریں گے.

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0میڈیا پلیئر کلاسک - Home Cinema LogoDecoding Interlaced VC‑1 with DXVA

A couple of days ago VER کا معاوضہ 1.6 of Media Play­er Clas­sic — Home Cinema was released. Although I don’t use MPC-ہائی کورٹ, I do keep an eye on the releases as it can be a use­ful back-up when a file wont play. It’s been quite a long time since the last offi­cial release so I had a quick scan of the changelog کے and one thing imme­di­ately leaped at me: “VC‑1 DXVA Decoder now decodes VC‑1 inter­laced mater­i­al”. Until now there has been no open source x64 codec that will decode inter­laced VC‑1. Finally hav­ing this avail­able com­pletes cov­er­age for all the media files I have ever tried to play. Hope­fully this will also get added to ffd­show try­outs and LAV Video in the near future.

0Haali Matroska logoHaali میڈیا Splitter کے: سرکاری سائٹ

HTPC related sites and resources seem to be drop­ping like flies at the moment. First[int­link id=“1918” type=“post”]میڈیا سینٹر سٹوڈیو disappeared[/intlink], پھر [int­link id=“2141” type=“post”] developed problems[/intlink], and now the offi­cial site for Haali Media Split­ter is down. For­tu­nately the media split­ter can still be down­loaded from lots of oth­er sites, and we will keep a mir­ror here in case oth­er sites drop it. There are also altern­at­ives, includ­ing the MPC-ہائی کورٹ stan­dalone codecs and LAV. Links to these are avail­able on our[int­link id=“741” type=“page”]ڈاؤن لوڈز[/intlink] page. Lets hope that this is the last in the recent series of HTPC related losses.

2FFmpeg LogoFFDShow DXVA H.264 کرپشن حل

I have recently been suf­fer­ing cor­rup­tion play­ing back some H.264 files with FFD­Show try­outs. After a bit of exper­i­ment­ing I’ve found that the last build without this issue is build 3949 سے 24th-July. I pre­vi­ously had issues with earli­er releases of FFD­Show that[int­link id=“1414” type=“post”]didn\‘t work with DXVA[/intlink] at all — for­tu­nately build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer this issue. I also[int­link id=“919” type=“post”]previously had a problem[/intlink] where some builds of FFD­Show were less effi­cient on my HTPC and were unable to smoothly decode some high bitrate movies, مثلا. a rip of the Inglori­ous Bas­terds Blu-Ray, which has forced me to con­tin­ue to use an old build from mid-2010 until now. Build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from these issues either — so in terms of the 3 prob­lems I’ve had over the years with ffd­show, تعمیر 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from any of them, mak­ing it my build of choice for the fore­see­able future.

0FFmpeg Logoffdshow DXVA fixed

DXVA in ffd­show, which was [int­link id=“937” type=“post”]broken for the last few builds[/intlink], appears to have been fixed, at least in the 3878 x64 build from 11th جون.

0FFmpeg LogoUnsolved: Decoding interlaced vc1 in Media Center x64

Whilst my MediaPC setup can decode just about everything thrown at it, I have had prob­lems decod­ing inter­laced VC1 con­tent. The prob­lem is caused by the fail­ure of ffm­peg to sup­port inter­laced vc1. Whilst there are oth­er codecs (مثلا. cyber­link or arc­soft) these are cur­rently not avail­able as x64. Cyber­link do have an x64 codec for h.264 and mpeg2, but I haven’t been able to get it to work with VC1 con­tent. Hope­fully ffm­peg will fix inter­laced vc1 sup­port soon, but as its been on the to do list for over 2 years I’m not hold­ing my breath

0FFmpeg LogoLAV — A new splitter

A new dir­ect­show split­ter has become avail­able. If you’re not happy with the offer­ings from Haali and Gabest then you might like to try LAVI haven’t tried it myself yet, so I can­’t cur­rently offer any more inform­a­tion. It does men­tion split­ting wtv files though, so I will be try­ing it in the near future.
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