I’ve made a number of improvements to my home assistant instance of late and wanted to document what they were
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टैग लिखने के बाद: ZigBee
गृह सहायक के लिए कॉनबी II स्टिक पर फर्मवेयर अपडेट करना
I use a ConBee II यूएसबी stick for my zigbee mesh in Home Assistant. I wanted to update the firmware and found it is easiest to do this by shutting down HA, unplugging the stick and using a windows machine to update it, then putting it back into the HA system and booting HA back up. There are full instructions for the process in Windows on ड्रेसडेन एलेक्ट्रोनिक की वेबसाइट
Setting up an XBee ZigBee repeater
As part of the gradual expansion of my smarthome (might as well do something during lockdown right?) I decided to set up an XBee to improve the reach of my SmartThings hub. Good information for total beginners is a bit of a mission to find so I thought I’d put together a basic summary to start with.
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0सैमसंग SmartThings - एक स्मार्ट घर हब
I’ve recently invested in a SmartThings Hub for my home to use for security and safety as well as for general smart home functions. Over the coming months I will be writing a series of articles with some of the technical hurdles I cross along the way.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”