DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

0द्वारा नाम स्टूडियो लोगो छवियोंपुनर्जीवित: सहयोगात्मक परियोजना ImagesByName

उसके साथ की दुखद नुकसान there no longer appears to be a home for the Col­lab­or­at­ive Images­By­Name Pro­ject (know as CiP or IBN at vari­ous times).  Whilst devel­op­ment on these seems to have hal­ted some time back, the resources them­selves are still sub­stan­tial and will be sorely missed. As I still had down­loaded cop­ies avail­able, and could­n’t find them any­where else of the net, I’ve decided to host them here so that oth­ers may con­tin­ue to enjoy the pre­vi­ous hard work inves­ted in cre­at­ing them.

अद्यतन: is back. Hav­ing cre­ated mir­rors we’ll leave them intact, but recom­mend you head to for the latest versions

I don’t know if there are new­er ways of provid­ing the same func­tion­al­ity — e.g. via a plu­gin which down­loads images in real­time, but hav­ing such a large loc­ally cached resource already avail­able is well worth­while. If it proves pop­u­lar we’ll look to find a way to rein­state devel­op­ment. In the mean­time I have recom­pressed all of the PNGs with PNG­Gaunt­let, and have rezipped the archives into 7zip archives with ultra com­pres­sion to save a bit of space.

आप पर लिंक मिल सकता है[int­link id=“741” type=“page”]डाउनलोड पेज[/intlink] ज़्यादातर को (लेकिन सब नहीं) संसाधनों है कि के रूप में नीचे विस्तृत पर इस्तेमाल किया जा के

  • People Wave 1
  • 3D बॉक्स सेट Cov नेताओं 2.0
  • मूल स्टूडियो बेस छवियाँ (15-जनवरी, 2010)
  • Rominator स्टूडियो लोगो 3.0
  • चिप छात्र डियो लोगोस 1.0
  • Techols मूवी & टीवी चूहा बैठकों 3.0

If you have any oth­er col­lec­tions please get in touch with links, या आदर्श, to pass them on so I can host them with the ones above. If you are a cre­at­or / co-cre­at­or of any of the col­lec­tions and have any issues with me provid­ing a link please get in touch — it is not my inten­tion to tread on any­one’s toes.

उत्तर छोड़ दें