DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

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टैग लिखने के बाद: सीएसएस

0एचटीएमएल 5 लोगोResponsive lazy backgrounds instead of css background-image

I’ve recently been work­ing on an update/overhaul of both my vari­ous web­sites and the serv­er backend. As part of this pro­cess I’ve been try­ing ot make sure everything is using the latest stand­ards to max­im­ise per­form­ance and com­pat­ab­il­ity. One of the best fea­tures of recent ver­sions of word­press is the nat­ive sup­port for respons­ive images — where the img­set=”” attribut eis used to sup­ply altern­at­ive sizes of images in a group so the browser can use the most appro­pri­ate. In com­bin­a­tion with async load­ing and lazy load­ing this can make pages load far faster whilst still look­ing good to all vis­it­ors. How­ever css has not adop­ted these new­er fea­tures so back­ground images are much trick­i­er to deal with. It can be done though…
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0Wordpress लोगोवर्डप्रेस में होवर पर बढ़े हुए चित्र दिखाएं

As part of the recent improve­ments I’ve been mak­ing to vari­ous web­sites I wanted to make images in gal­ler­ies show enlarged ver­sions when hovered over. बेसिक के साथ ऐसा करना सीएसएस is fairly trivi­al, but I did­n’t just want to expand the ori­gin­al image, मैं चाहता था कि ब्राउज़र एक नया प्राप्त करे grab (lar­ger) image too…
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0एचटीएमएल 5 लोगोवेबसाइटों के लिए उत्तरदायी पृष्ठभूमि छवियों

I’ve recently been updat­ing my web­sites and web serv­er and adding a new site ( I wanted to have a back­ground image on LoveCrete and real­ised that of course 1 size does­n’t fit all screens. Here is a sum­mary of what my think­ing was and what I did to cater for the numer­ous screen sizes and orientations.
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0कुछ नए लेख, नए डिजाइन बहुत काम

For the last 2–3 months I’ve been too busy to write much new con­tent for the site. This has­n’t been helped by a drop in things to write about — most of my art­icles are about tech­no­logy fixes or excit­ing new HTPC संबंधित घटनाओं। वहाँ भी कई नए घटनाक्रम नहीं किया गया है, and I haven’t fixed much tech­no­logy because I’ve been too busy. That does­n’t mean the site has been entirely ignored however…

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