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टैग लिखने के बाद: nginx

0Wordpress लोगोस्वचालित रूप से वर्डप्रेस के साथ एविफ छवियों को उत्पन्न और सेवा करें

I have spent quite a lot of time optim­ising the per­form­ance of this site, and as part of ongo­ing work I mon­it­or new tech­no­lo­gies that could help improve the speed for vis­it­ors. I’ve been track­ing the adop­tion of next-gen­er­a­tion image formats for a while and with sup­port by web browsers now fairly wide­spread it was time to fig­ure out how to make use of these new formats in wordpress.
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0Wordpress लोगोवर्डप्रेस अद्यतन प्रगति

I’ve had an issue for a while now where installing word­press updates does­n’t show any mes­sages or pro­gress. The updates gen­er­ally do install but it is tricky to know when the updates have fin­ished. There are a few threads online with pos­sible solu­tions but most of them haven’t been help­ful in my case.
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0nginx घटता त्रुटि SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list

I recently ran into an error with a new nginx con­fig that I could­n’t find any­where on google! Turns out that was because I was read­ing the font wrongly and sub­stitued a lower case L for a num­ber 1. So if you ended up on this psage because you searched for SSL_CTX_setl_curves_list then try search­ing again, के लिए SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list.
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0Centos 8

Cen­tos 8 has finally been released and will even­tu­ally provide the base for a new host­ing plat­form for us. How­ever it isn’t quite ready as there are a few pack­ages not yet available.
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