0Internet Explorer 9 LogoHow to launch HTML based programs fullscreen

I was asked recently if I could copy a teach­ing resource from a CD-ROM onto a laptop com­puter. This par­tic­u­lar pro­gram is mostly HTML with some embed­ded videos. There were 2 prob­lems with run­ning it from a loc­al shortcut.
1. Inter­net Explorer secur­ity warnings
2. The full-screen win­dow is launched by a par­ent browser win­dow which then sits on top of the full screen win­dow and has to be closed when the full screen win­dow is exited
Both of these are only annoy­ances rather than crit­ic­al fail­ures, but a com­plete solu­tion involves fix­ing these kind of things. Find­ing a solu­tion was a little tricky, but once the solu­tion presen­ted itself it was very simple.

Allow Active Content to run in files on My Computer dialog box internet settings

To address the secur­ity warn­ings requires chan­ging an option in the ‘Inter­net Options’ con­trol pan­el. Under the advanced tab scroll down to the “secur­ity” options and tick the option “allow act­ive con­tent to run in files on My Computer*”

To address the pop-up issues requires a small adjust­ment of the JavaS­cript code that launches the full-screen win­dow. The fol­low­ing code will launch a new full-screen win­dow and close the par­ent win­dow without any prompts…

window.open(“container.html”, “popup”, “fullscreen=1, left=0, top=0, menubar=no, resizable=no, status=no, scrollbars=no”);[/javascript]

Cred­it to phd­cc for the code

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