0サムスンギャラクシーS3サムスンギャラクシーS3「v」AsuseeePC 901

レビューがたくさんあり​​最新の携帯電話をCOM-PAR-INGそこにある, 最新のタブは、することができ、最新のノートブック, しかし、これまでにいくつかの - のことを非常に少数のREF-ERリファレンスよりも 18 months old. Most people don’t upgrade their kit any­where near that fre­quently which makes the com­par­is­ons rather use­less. In the 4–5 year time­frame which is a more typ­ic­al upgrade cycle for most people there have been huge changes to the com­put­ing power available.

6月に 2008 I was asked for help to choose a device for a fam­ily mem­ber which would meet basic online and app needs whilst being as port­able as pos­sible. The Asus eeePC 700 had been released a year earli­er and the new 901 with the new Intel Atom pro­cessor had just become avail­able. It did everything required — cap­able of run­ning Win­dows XP, with wireless‑n and at around 1Kg it was just power­ful enough, and impress­ively port­able. Bat­tery life was way bey­ond any­thing else com­par­able and could only be matched by spend­ing an order of mag­nitude more.

6月にジャンプ 2012 - 乏しい 4 years later and my mobile phone con­tract expires. After long delib­er­a­tions I even­tu­ally opted for the Sam­sung Galaxy S3 over the HTC One X. Hav­ing spet con­sid­er­able time look­ing at specs it dawned on me that super­fi­cially it had specs not all that dis­sim­il­ar to the good old eeePC. Always inter­ested in the pro­gress of these things I did a quick comparison

Asus eeePC 901SAM-歌わギャラクシーS3
ワイヤーレス802.11n個 (ドラフト)802.11n個
的寸法225 バツ 165 x 35137 バツ 71 x 9
HDMI 出力しないはい

スペックは彼ら-自己のために話す. 携帯電話は多くのシンナーです, light­er and more power­ful. これは、COM-PAR可能STOR年齢が付属しており、 RAM とCON-nectiv性とベットTERカム - ERA-TERを賭けている. のeeePCはまだ、もちろんずっとスーツ可能作業INGの単語またはDOC-U-メンツをExcel用です, それはそれ自体のすべてが素晴らしいではありません.

I sus­pect that most eeeP­C’s were, 私の場合は1のように, 基本的なインターネットアクセスのために買った. MOD-ERNスマートフォンは、この機能のTiON完全にREDUND-ANTをした. People need­ing to do ser­i­ous doc­u­ment work aren’t likely to opt for a net­book either — an ultra­book or sim­il­ar note­book is far more likely to be deemed suit­able because you just can­’t get away from need­ing a good size phys­ic­al screen and real key­board. かなり誇張GER-atedした原因にネットブックの終焉ながらタブことができます, 私はMOD-ERNスマートフォンは本当にほぼ完全にネットブックの市場に終止符を打つと考えている.
