DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

2Helios NeoDigits logoNeoDigits / Helios Network Media Players

I recently had cause to resur­rect my old NeoDi­gits Helios X3000 net­work media play­er, and noticed that Helios have deceased. Sadly this means links to their soft­ware and firm­ware are no longer avail­able. Thanks to Ravi Srivast­ava तथा Sean on myce I was able to find altern­at­ive links, although as of Decem­ber 2012 these are no longer act­ive either. For­tu­nately I grabbed everything whilst I still could.

I have provided links to firm­ware, neo­link soft­ware and vari­ous manu­als and doc­u­ments related to the X3000, X5000 and H4000 on the[int­link id=“741” type=“page”]डाउनलोड[/intlink] पेज.

उत्तर छोड़ दें

2 टिप्पणियाँ


हाय, I have one of these, the X3000 to be exact. I loved it, but had loads of trouble after the last firm­ware update, also I think they were flawed in their build too, elec­tric­al safety I seem to recall.

Do you still use yours, it would be cool to be able to play with mine again and maybe tweak some of the software.

जवाब दें
जे एसजॉन Scaife

I haven’t used mine in quite a while as I got a DViCo TViX HD M‑6500, and then replaced that with a full fledged HTPC. I’ve still got it though and it still works fine as far as I can tell. I keep mean­ing to rig it up in a bed­room. I believe there are some soft­ware tweaks already out there…

जवाब दें