4Humax PVR-9200TKopieren von Dateien von Humax PVR-9200T auf den PC

Ich besitze ein paar Humax PVT-9200T Dual DVB-T PVR, beide sind jetzt ganz mit aufgezeichneten Programmen voll. Humax hat ein Programm namens eLinker bereitgestellt, aber es ist nicht sehr gut. Eine gute Alternative ist Humax Media Controller, aber leider ist es nicht funktioniert mit Windows x64, wie Mike Dimmick erklärt. Zum Glück, Mike hat auch eine Lösung geschaffen durch Patchen einige der Dateien, so dass Humax Media Controller können nun erfolgreich in Windows verwendet werden 7 x64. Das einzige Problem ist, dass Windows mit deaktivierter Driver Signing Enforcement gestartet werden muss.

Update Apr 2024

Mike’s site is still up but the link to HumaxPVR.zip that he offered is now dead.
I found a copy of Humax Media Con­trol­ler with Mike’s driver added that I down­loaded and e‑mailed to someone around 14 years ago still intact in my old gmail and have now res­cued it.
You can down­load it dir­ectly hier

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I’m try­ing to loc­ate a copy of the soft­ware mike cre­ated to sup­port Win­dows x64 (HumaxPVR.zip).…the down­load link on his Blog­ger page is no longer func­tion­al …it is a very old piece of soft­ware now.
Should any­one be able to point me in the dir­ec­tion of a copy, I’d appre­ci­ate it.


Jon, Danke für die Dateien.
Unfor­tu­nately I don’t seem to be able to get the cor­rect driver to install.
I’m bypassing the unsigned driver pro­tec­tion and am offered HumaxSTBAlternate.inf as the driver installer .…but the driver installed by this is described as writ­ten by ‘Humax STB’ ver­sion 20/3/2007
I get a device con­nec­tion error on run­ning Humax.bat

JSJon Scaife

Hi Roger
That is frus­trat­ing. I assume you’re on win­dows 10 oder 11? This was from the Win­dows 7 days so that might be the issue. It sounds like the cor­rect driver is installing — the inf file was cre­ated by Humax and mod­i­fied by Mike D but still shows as ver­sion as you say.
I assume you’ve con­nec­ted the humax to the com­puter with a USB cable and then installed the driver for the “unknown device” or whatever the humax shows up as?
There are instruc­tions here for how to use the drivers — http://www.enigma.eclipse.co.uk/humax/HumaxMediaController.htm
Make sure you’ve rebooted with driver sign­ing enforce­ment turned off first (which is quite faffy on win 10 i believe) — tips on how to do that here — https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/permanent-disable-driver-signature-verification/009c3498-bef8-4564-bb52-1d05812506e0
