
我有 以前写过 关于修改便宜的10英镑智能插头来运行开源固件的问题. 现在我有很多,我需要一种有效的方法来更新它们. 在本文中,我记录了如何做

I have a range of Smart Plugs but they’re all based on the ESP8266 chip and all have at some point been flashed to the tas­mota firm­ware provided by Theo Aren­ds. 然而, many of them were run­ning a very old ver­sion and I wanted to update it for secur­ity reas­ons. This proved to be a fairly simple pro­cess once I’d figured it out.

首先, 识别您当前的固件

使用网络浏览器加载设备的管理页面. At the bot­tom of the page it will say what ver­sion you are on


我不得不闪光 5 firm­ware ver­sions to get up to 8.2, as I was on such an old ver­sion, and a dir­ect leap isn’t sup­por­ted without los­ing con­fig­ur­a­tion. 我只是使用内置工具 (web inter­face; firm­ware upgrade; 指向* .bin文件. 有一个 offi­cial Wiki with the migra­tion path details that you should refer to for the most up-to-date inform­a­tion. Cur­rently the pro­cess is (jump into it based on your cur­rent firmware)

如果更新出错, 您必须重新刷新设备

I had a couple that did­n’t reboot prop­erly dur­ing the pro­cess. 我只是打开它们, con­nec­ted my CH340g, 并使用 Tas­mot­izer 1.1 with the final firm­ware I wanted (在写作时 8.2). I then had to con­nect to the device dir­ectly via wire­less and set my wifi SSID and pass­word (don’t for­get to tick the box)


The firm­ware has greatly improved the abil­ity to cre­ate a “cus­tom pro­file” for dif­fer­ent types of devices. I have sev­er­al which needed dif­fer­ent con­fig­ur­a­tions. 我在下面提供每个的详细信息. To cre­ate a cus­tom con­fig go to Con­fig­ur­a­tion: Con­fig­ure Tem­plate. I usu­ally select the Sonoff Basic as the start­ing point, and I give the tem­plate an obvi­ous name (e.g. SWA1). 保存,设备将重新启动. Once it has restar­ted go to Con­fig­ur­a­tion: Con­fig­ure Mod­ule: and then select the newly cre­ated tem­plate. 设备将再次重新启动.

SWA1模块: Linganzh; 库萨; Annstory

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