0修复窗户 10 使用Intel ME在较旧的PC上睡眠

我有一个旧的 Dell Optiplex 760 有资格免费升级到 Windows 的 SFF 10. 除了睡眠模式,一切都运行良好——PC 只是不想再进入睡眠状态. 最有可能的候选人显然是英特尔管理引擎驱动程序的问题, 不受英特尔支持,也未正式提供给 Windows 10. 修复方法如下

我有 2 我需要更新的设备. 一个是未知设备, the oth­er is lis­ted as the Intel Man­age­ment Engine under sys­tem devices, and had driver ver­sion 1.0, sup­plied by Microsoft.

I updated the unknown device using HP drivers down­load­able as part of the file SP45367. 运行这个文件, and choose not to delete the extrac­ted files after install­a­tion. 安装将失败. Use device man­age to manu­ally update by point­ing to C:\SWSetup sp45367 SOLinf mesrle

An almost identic­al pro­ced­ure was required for the known device, but this time using a down­load from Dell

