文章标签: HTML

0HTML5标志Responsive lazy backgrounds instead of css background-image

I’ve recently been work­ing on an update/overhaul of both my vari­ous web­sites and the serv­er backend. As part of this pro­cess I’ve been try­ing ot make sure everything is using the latest stand­ards to max­im­ise per­form­ance and com­pat­ab­il­ity. One of the best fea­tures of recent ver­sions of word­press is the nat­ive sup­port for respons­ive images — where the img­set=”” attribut eis used to sup­ply altern­at­ive sizes of images in a group so the browser can use the most appro­pri­ate. In com­bin­a­tion with async load­ing and lazy load­ing this can make pages load far faster whilst still look­ing good to all vis­it­ors. How­ever css has not adop­ted these new­er fea­tures so back­ground images are much trick­i­er to deal with. It can be done though…


终于, 这 W3C 已经发表了决赛 HTML5规范DIY Media Home已经使用HTML5编写代码, 但规范的定稿意味着HTML5的合规性已经不再是一个移动的目标,要么我们, 或浏览器制造商。希望所有主要播放器都能尽快提供完全兼容HTML5的浏览器。同时,我们将努力确保我们的网站完全符合最终规范.


0IE浏览器 9 商标如何启动基于HTML全屏程序

我最近有人问我是否可以从复制的教学资源 光盘-只读存储器 到一台笔记本电脑. 这种特殊的程序主要是 HTML 一些嵌入式视频. 有 2 从本地快捷方式运行它的问题.
1. Internet Explorer 安全警告
2. 全屏窗口是由一个父浏览器窗口,然后坐在全屏窗口的顶部并且当全屏窗口退出已被关闭发动
这两者都是唯一的烦恼,而不是严重故障, 但一个完整的解决方案,包括修复这几样东西. 找到一个解决方案是有点棘手, 但一旦解决方案提出了自己这是非常简单的.
