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4MiFlora Plant Sensors in Home Assistant

I’ve been suing the MiFlora Home Assist­ant integ­ra­tion to get data on vari­ous house plants for a while. How­ever along the way I’ve had to over­come vari­ous hurdles includ­ing lim­ited range of bluetooth, bat­tery life issues, and get­ting the bat­tery val­ues to report. I finally seem to have cracked all of these and now have a sys­tem that works reli­ably with lots of plants around the house. I’ve sum­mar­ised what I’ve used below.

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4Humax PVR-9200TCopy files from Humax PVR 9200T to PC

I own a couple of Humax PVT-9200T dual freeview PVRs, both of which are now quite full with recor­ded pro­grams.  Humax have provided a pro­gram called eLinker, but it isn’t very good.  A good altern­at­ive is Humax Media Con­trol­ler but unfor­tu­nately it does­n’t work with Win­dows x64, as Mike Dim­mick explains.  Thank­fully, Mike has also cre­ated a solu­tion by patch­ing some of the files, so that Humax Media Con­trol­ler can now be used suc­cess­fully in Win­dows 7 x64.  The only issue is that Win­dows must be booted with Driver Sign­ing Enforce­ment disabled.

Update Apr 2024

Mike’s site is still up but the link to that he offered is now dead.
I found a copy of Humax Media Con­trol­ler with Mike’s driver added that I down­loaded and e‑mailed to someone around 14 years ago still intact in my old gmail and have now res­cued it.
You can down­load it dir­ectly here

1Sony VaioTouchpad settings on Sony Vaio VPCSB

My old man has a Sony Vaio VPCSB laptop, a 13.3″ mod­el that is now about 10 years old but thanks to an SSD and extra RAM is still more than adequate for today’s demands. I recently upgraded it to Win­dows 10, des­pite no help at all from Sony, and ran into an issue with the touch­pad hav­ing all the silly Win­dows 10 swip­ing and scrolling turned on by default with no obvi­ous way to turn it off.
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0Creating Windows 7 DVD from digital distribution

I got my copy of win­dows 7 via digit­al pur­chase, and after run­ning the down­loaded EXE was left with the con­tents of a setup CD in a folder. Now i want to do a clean install so I need to cre­ate a boot­able DVD. A bit of googling revealed the way to do this. Down­load and install WAIK for win­dows 7 from microsoft. Install it, and then use the com­mand line as follows…
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2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy S3 & Note 2: Mods, tips & tweaks

I’ve had my Galaxy S3 a little over a month already and have slowly been com­pil­ing a worth­while list of tips and tweaks that I use and can recom­mend to oth­er users.  I’ve updated the list to include tips for the Galaxy Note 2 which my part­ner now has.  Many of these may also apply to oth­er Sam­sung or even oth­er android phones, but some are spe­cif­ic to the galaxy S3 or Galaxy Note 2.  By all means try them regard­less of phone and let us know how you get on.… Read Full Article