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3Cheap WiFi SmartPlugs with SmartThings

SmartTh­ings com­pat­ible smart plugs are annoy­ingly expens­ive — typ­ic­ally around £40. This is far too expens­ive to con­sider buy­ing many of. There are how­ever WiFi plugs avail­able online for around £10 that don’t offi­cially work with SmartTh­ings. Most of them are based on the ESP8266 chip which can be reflashed with new firm­ware that will work with SmartTh­ings. Below I doc­u­ment my tri­als and tribu­la­tions with hack­ing these plugs
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5Samsung Galaxy S3How to: Root the Samsung Galaxy S3

Pretty much the first thing I do when I get a new phone is root it.  First and fore­most this allows me to install and enable adfree — which is get­ting increas­ingly essen­tial on android.  On pre­vi­ous phones this was often tricky, altho in the last couple of years it has stead­ily got easi­er.  This time it was the turn of my new Sam­sung Galaxy S3.  Below I will sum­mar­ise the steps in my own way, but I had a look at sev­er­al guides on the net and the best one I found was on Android­Au­thor­ity.

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1Sony VaioTouchpad settings on Sony Vaio VPCSB

My old man has a Sony Vaio VPCSB laptop, a 13.3″ mod­el that is now about 10 years old but thanks to an SSD and extra RAM is still more than adequate for today’s demands. I recently upgraded it to Win­dows 10, des­pite no help at all from Sony, and ran into an issue with the touch­pad hav­ing all the silly Win­dows 10 swip­ing and scrolling turned on by default with no obvi­ous way to turn it off.
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5Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree anti-virus / anti-malware for Windows Server 2008

Microsoft are offer­ing a down­load­able Beta of ver­sion 2 of their free secur­ity app Secur­ity Essen­tials.  This works on Win­dows Serv­er.  For any­one (like me) who is using Serv­er 2008 at home (e.g. on a file serv­er) and needs anti-vir­us, I highly recom­mend this.

Update: [int­link id=“96” type=“post”]Version 2 final[/intlink] is now available.

0AMD Vision Fusion Premium LogoFixed: AMD E350 crashes & invalid boot device error

I’ve had an AMD E350 sys­tem for over a year, which I use as my primary HTPC. How­ever, in that time I’ve always had oca­sion­al Sta­bil­ity issues where the sys­tem would lock up, reboot, and fail to find the primary HDD. At first I put this down to the HDD — a Seag­ate Momentus XT, which was known to be unre­li­able when it was first released. Since Seag­ate released update firm­ware how­ever the drive has seemed to oper­ate fine, although I could­n’t rule it out. I also updated the BIOS of my Asus E35M1‑M Pro and updated all the drivers I could find, without fully resolv­ing the issue.

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0Haali Matroska logoHaali finally release official x64 splitter

Haali Media Split­ter is now “offi­cially” avail­able for 64bit. To down­load simply go to the Haali site and down­load from the link at the top right. Both 32bit and 64bit split­ter are included. Vari­ous fixes are men­tioned altho I haven’t yet had oppor­tun­ity to test them.